A 76-year-old patriarch, Jafar Khanzada (JK), lives a reclusive life in the Land of Nowhere, a mountain valley known for its mythical history and shamanic roots. He runs a tourist resort with the support of his female manager, Scheherezade – a nature-loving empath, discovered on the mountains as a baby and considered otherworldly by the locals. Now on the cusp of dementia, JK resolutely announces his ‘third and final wedding’ to the first true love of his life, a girl that he has pined for, for over half a century, but is considered long dead by everyone else. His estranged sons arrive to hesitantly join in the celebrations, only to realize that the locals are rallying up to stop this un-ion. Despite resistance, ghostly apparitions and other mystical elements in play, JK prepares for his odyssey of love, and the stage between life and death is set for a perfect storm, that will change this family, and these lands, forever.
What is love? And does it survive life?!