“Red moon” is TV series that, within 120 episodes, sets fictional love story into the real historical context before the World War I. The powerful storyline of the “Red Moon” follows the most interesting period of Serbian history – from August 1913, after Serbia’s great victory in the Balkan Wars, when part of its territory were regained, until the end of 1915, when the Austro-Hungarian army occupied Belgrade, capital of Serbia.
The main character, a young Serbian officer Nikola, returns home from the battlefield as a war hero. As an award for contribution to the country, Nikola becomes the regent Aleksandar I Karađorđević’s entourage. Traditionally, his wedding has been arranged, but the plot of the story begins when Sofia, daughter of an Austro-Hungarian MP, becomes interested in him. Against all the principles of that time, beautiful, intelligent, educated and flirtatious Sofia does not hide her feelings for the young officer. Although Nikola and Sofia are fictional characters, screenplay brings up another twenty main characters, mostly real historical figures – Serbian royalty, Prime minister, and many more.